Kaisa Hietala - Honorary Doctorate of Technology

May 23, 2024 Greencode

Kaisa Hietala Honorary Doctorate of Technology

The green transition is complex. We need brave and knowledgeable individuals to challenge the status quo and find carbon-neutral and resource-efficient ways to prosper. This fundamental change demands deep knowledge in various fields, such as natural science and technology, combined with sharp business acumen - qualities that Kaisa embodies.

The entire Greencode team applauds Kaisa on becoming an Honorary Doctorate of Technology from University of Oulu.

As a global green transition leader, Kaisa drives sustainable change on some of the world's largest corporate boards while investing in fast-growing digital green-transition startups through Greencode Ventures. This combination is truly unique, and we have the pleasure to firsthand see how the different perspectives propeller change.

We salute Kaisa for being a world leader in green transition, both in business and academia, grounding her valuable work in the shared values of Greencode: curiosity, humanity, and transformation.


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