
Unveiling the Future: four voices on green transition opportunities and scaling impact

Written by Greencode | Dec 12, 2023 9:27:37 AM

At Greencode Ventures, we recognize the immense potential of startups in propelling the global shift towards sustainability, and we are determined to invest in cutting-edge digital ventures that don't just promise change for the future but are making a significant impact right now.

McKinsey estimates a staggering €9.2 trillion is required annually in climate solution investments until 2050 to facilitate the green transition. Greencode Ventures stands ready to contribute by supporting groundbreaking startups that are leading the way. Two such ventures we've had the privilege of backing are Supercritical, a carbon removal marketplace, and LiveEO, a company revolutionizing industries with its innovative use of satellite data and AI to champion sustainability.

Our commitment to green transition opportunities and scaling impact took center stage at our well-attended launch event in Helsinki earlier this autumn. The event provided a platform for insightful discussions on the critical aspects of the green transition. Let's hear what some of our fantastic guests and domain experts had to say about these important subjects.


Annu Nieminen at The Upright Project

Annu emphasizes that the green transition must be rooted in the fundamentals of business. It's now happening on a grand scale, and entire industries will grapple with existential questions. Annu urges a swift focus on green transition enablers to expedite solutions that benefit us all.


Tarun Sharma at Nokia Ventures

Tarun underscores the critical role startups play in pushing innovation. He encourages businesses to view the green transition as an opportunity to accelerate growth, emphasizing that we are only at the first mile of a marathon, with countless opportunities ahead.


Tarja Takki-Halttunen at Halton Ventures

Tarja highlights the importance of mitigating and adapting to climate change, with infrastructure playing an important role in enabling the green transition. She urges startups to think outside the box, focusing on reducing fossil fuels, but says that carbon capture, and biodiversity are two other focus areas.


Anders Stenbäck at Good Ventures 

The green transition opportunity is enormous, with room for everyone. Anders stresses the need for innovative ideas backed by scientific proof and encourages teams with knowledge and hunger to change the world to join the revolution.


Watch a compilation video. 


As we navigate the green transition landscape, it is evident that the collaboration between visionary startups, committed investors, forward thinking corporates and legislators with a long-term agenda will shape the future of sustainability. The journey has just begun, and with each interviewee echoing the sentiment that we are at the forefront of a revolutionary era, the need for positive change is urgent.