
Greencode at HTGF Family Day 2023

Written by Greencode | May 22, 2023 1:03:55 PM

On May 9th and 10th, the German industrial and B2B focused Venture Capital ecosystem met at the annual HTGF Family Day for intense networking, exchange and inspiring keynotes. HTGF, High Tech Gründer Fund, is one of Germany’s largest early stage tech investors and a public-private partnership with medium-sized companies, large corporates and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and KfW Capital.

For us at Greencode Ventures, it was an important premiere. We introduced ourselves as the new green transition Venture Capital fund from the Nordics to the Germany VC scene and introduced our German GP, Ines, and our Venture Partner Manuel to the ecosystem.

It has been super packed and exciting two days for us and we met with a lot of old and new collaborators for future deal making and very interesting potential and existing LPs and investors in our fund.

We are already looking forward to next year’s Family Day taking place in Berlin June 11 and 12, 2024 and are digesting and following up with all the introductions and connections made.

A big thank you goes to the organisation team of HTGF, the ecosystem and all fellow participating VCs. We are looking forward to the next one.